For Loop
It's time for an awesome part of Python. Python's for loops are pretty amazing compared to some other languages because of how versatile and simple they are. The idea of a for loop is rather simple, you will just loop through some code for a certain number of times. I won't get a chance to show you the flexibility of the for loops until we get into lists, but sure enough its time will come. Onto an example:
for a in range(1,3): print (a)
Result: 1 2
First, print is indented for a reason. Remember that Python is picky about spacing. It is somewhat complicated to understand exactly what a is in the example. In this instance, a is a variable the increments itself every time we run through the loop. Next, we use the range keyword to set the starting point and the point right after we would finish. This is precisely why the number 3 didn't print. Python is quite fond of this idea of all the way up to a number, but not including it.
Also, notice the in keyword. This is actually part of the for loop and you will understand it a bit better after we deal with lists and dictionaries. So, basically the above for loop says, "For variable a, which will be incremented at the end of every loop, in the range of 1 up to 3."