Home /HTML/Paragraph Tag

Paragraph Tag

The HTML paragraph tag is the most often used because the majority of content on a web will be in this tag. The paragraph tag is very similar to your expectations of a paragraph when writing a paper. It separates itself from the other paragraphs to form a well-organized document. Much like the other tags it has an opening tag, <p>, and a closing tag, </p>. There really is not too much else to say about the standard paragraph tag, so let’s go to an example. From now on, unless otherwise told, the following tags will be in the body tag as well as an HTML skeleton.

Paragraph Tag in Action


<p> I am a paragraph. </p>
<p> I am another paragraph. </p>


I am a paragraph.

I am another paragraph.

As you can see, the paragraph tags have their own default margins and font size already set by the browser by default. Another important point here is that our paragraph tags are not on the same line. They are block elements, which means you do not need to worry about overcrowded text. While you can still write content without using paragraph tags, it is considered to be great practice to attempt to place all of the text inside the paragraph tags or heading tags. You might notice that some websites wrap them in a <div> tag, but really you add more meaning to the browser by placing the text in a paragraph tag.