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CSS Overview

Welcome to the classy web world of style using CSS. Cascading Style Sheets are arguably one of the greatest things that happened to the web just over a decade ago. As you were writing your HTML in the previous tutorial, you might have thought that building a web page was lacking something. CSS is not only beautiful and stylish, but it is also very efficient.

Cascading Style Sheets reside on the client side, which means the user can, with the correct knowledge, see all of your CSS files. Style Sheets were invented because the internet was plum boring due to the creators being scientists who were primarily interested in using the internet as a medium for communication (At least, that’s how I’ll write the history books on it). Kudos to them on developing the internet though.

While the internet is awesome, thank goodness we have the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Some genius over there said, “Hey, let’s make styling into a file type so we can have other pages link to it.” He is my unnamed hero. This means you can create billions and zillions of HTML files using a particular naming structure on the HTML elements and 1 CSS file that can style all of them. That’s right, you don’t have to go into the HTML files to change the style. Isn’t it so beautiful?